Monday, 19 May 2014

 Hi All,

Two posts in one day, not bad hey?

I thought I'd add a couple more photo's of Grosvener Hall…(soon to be re-named).

Still a bit of "tweaking" to do to the exterior finish, also some door furniture will improve the look.

 I have painted the doors the same colour as my "real life" front door.

 I have decided to use real slate for the roof from Richard Stacey, just love his products.

I would love to hear your comments..

Deb x


  1. Thanks Deb for your comment on my blog, I am trying to take my mind off it for a while.
    You have done a great job on the exterior, love the stonework and the layered greys, it certainly looks very stately. Look forward to seeing your progress, but as you say, it may take years to finish that, meanwhile just enjoy it!

  2. I really like the colour palette you've chosen for this facade. I have a house in pieces that looks to be much the same as this that I bought ages ago, you might just inspire me to do something with it!

  3. Hello again Deb,
    It is looking fantastic. I love the color palette you used.
    big hug,

  4. Thanks for your comments guys.
    I'm really falling in love with this project, it is such a gorgeous dolls house with great possibilities!
    P.S I have taken my scratch built shop out of hiding too, so look out for more on that one..

    Deb xxx

  5. It looks beautiful and elegant. Decorating the inside will keep you busy, that's for sure, but there are so many possibilities for a house that size.
