Friday, 25 April 2014

Grosvener Hall

Hi Everybody,

Firstly I'd like to welcome the new followers to my blog, thanks for joining me..

I am happy to announce that I have now sold both of the Dolls Houses which I had for sale, thank you to the lovely Ladies who purchased them, I wish you both all the best with your new projects..

As I now have lots more space in my work room (Lily is happily returned to her usual spot) I have recently ordered a new kit... Drum roll please.... The "Grosvener Hall" from Dolls House Emporium. I have coveted this house since starting in miniatures years ago, I am waiting for the delivery with anticipation. This is a super big house it stands four feet tall!  I have no idea where it will finally reside but you don't worry about theses things do you? Lol
I intend to "kit bash" it as I feel the original configuration has too many square rooms, I'm going to remove some of the internal walls and possibly halls then I will have bigger spaces to play with!

I will keep you posted...

Till next time,
Happy Miniaturing


  1. Hello Debby,
    I am happy you sold both houses and can now start another project. I look forward to seeing it take shape.
    Big hug,

  2. Thanks Giac,
    The house arrived yesterday and I have put "the bones" of it together
    Very exciting!
    P.S LOVE your blog!!!
