Friday, 1 November 2013

The French House Returns

Hi Everyone,

Sorry to have been away from "Blog land" for so long.  I have had some health issues which have been interfering with my already hectic schedule. I'm starting to pick up now though and hopefully will soon be back into Miniaturing with renewed enthusiasm!!

About a year ago I decided to revamp my "scratch built" French Style dolls house as I felt it was a little mundane… I ripped everything out "great fun" and started from scratch.

I have added new French doors to my now larger Kitchen ( which I made from Cardboard see earlier post) and added some extra lighting (Not wired in yet)!! you know how much I love wiring?

Any way so far so good, I still have lots of little details to attend to.. I am yet to make a start on the Attic room, however I thought I'd show you all a few pics of the house so far, I would love to receive some comments!

I have also been busy making things for my Etsy shop, its hard to keep up these days.
 I've made lots of sales and met some really wonderful "fellow mad miniaturists" along the way. Of course any money I have made has been quickly spent in other Etsy shops ha ha!

Some of the furniture in the Lounge room of my French house was made by the fabulous Margaret from "Argus Minis" on Etsy.  I just love her work, such wonderful detail, so thanks Margaret, I believe my sitting room is my favourite room now due to the addition of some of your unique items, I was inspired to revamp some of my old furniture to blend with your new pieces, the Minors couch is my favourite.

Until next time,

Happy Miniaturing


P.S Can you believe there are Xmas decorations in the shops all ready???

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debby, I am so excited to see my furniture in your lovely house. Hope you don't mind if I send some bloggers your way, can I use one of your images on my post?
