Saturday, 8 December 2012

Bye Bye Beacon Hill

A Farewell to Beacon Hill.

Hi Everyone,

Well I can finally sleep again as the "very challenging" Beacon Hill has found a new home...

 I recently received a visit from my brother, fellow "mad miniaturist" although his thing is usually cars aircraft and trains.  I happened to give him a" Tour de Beacon Hill".. I explained the difficulty I was having bringing myself to finish the project and he, to my surprise and joy told me he would LOVE to take it home and finish it!! "Viola" Beacon Hill GONE!!

Now folks it did not take more than five minutes after loading the house into the back of my beloved brothers' car, for my creative juices to start flowing.. (there was just something about that house which "stumped" me!!) ....anyways, I have now designed and cut out house number six! I am building a Victorian Terrace, one room wide, two rooms deep and three storeys high with shop on the ground floor and living quarters above.
This is a very typically Australian type of building which can be found in Sydney and Melbourne..
I will post pics when I have something more substantial than a few sheets of M.D.F with holes in it!!

I am intending to fit a Corrugated Iron roof to the structure which is often used for  "the real thing"here in Australia, I have NO idea how I will achieve this look but I'm sure I will dream something up!

Well wish me luck people, I'll keep you posted....

Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year...

Happy miniaturing...

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